• Arrive in Moshi, Tanzania, and check-in at your hotel/lodge. Meet with your trekking team and guide for a pre-climb briefing and equipment check for the Umbwe route 5 days trek. Rest, relax, and recover from your journey, preparing for the challenging Umbwe route 5 days climb ahead.

  • After breakfast at your hotel in Moshi, embark on the Umbwe route 5 days adventure. Drive to the Umbwe Gate, the starting point of your Umbwe route 5 days trek. Begin the ascent through the lush rainforest, where the unique Umbwe route 5 days trek offers opportunities to observe various flora and fauna. The trail is steep, allowing for significant altitude gain on the first day of the Umbwe route 5 days climb. Arrive at Umbwe Cave Camp (2,850m), set up your tents, and rest for the night.

  • Wake up early on the second day of the Umbwe route 5 days trek. Continue the ascent, encountering more challenging terrain as you enter the moorland zone. Enjoy the breathtaking views on the way to the Barranco Camp (3,950m) during the Umbwe route 5 days climb. Set up camp beneath the Great Barranco Wall and spend the night.

  • On the third day of the Umbwe route 5 days Kilimanjaro Climbing, prepare for some thrilling moments. Conquer the Barranco Wall, a highlight of this unique route during your Umbwe route 5 days climb. Trek through the Karanga Valley, a relatively shorter and less strenuous section, allowing time for acclimatization on the Umbwe route 5 days adventure. Arrive at Karanga Camp (3,995m), Continue your ascent along the Umbwe route 5 days adventure, entering the alpine desert zone. Arrive at Barafu Camp (4,680m), the base camp for the summit attempt during the Umbwe route 5 days climb. Rest, hydrate, and prepare for the final push to the summit, as the following day is the climax of the Umbwe route 5 days challenge.

  • Wake up around midnight for the summit attempt on the fifth day of the Umbwe route 5 days climb. Ascend through the arctic desert zone, pushing towards Stella Point (5,739m) or the ultimate goal, Uhuru Peak (5,895m), the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro on the Umbwe route 5 days adventure. Celebrate your achievement at the "Roof of Africa" and take memorable photos during the Umbwe route 5 days climb. Begin the descent back to Barafu Camp, where you'll rest briefly before continuing to Mweka Camp (3,100m) to spend the night.

  • On the final day of the Umbwe route 5 days trek, descend through the lush rainforest. Arrive at the Mweka Gate, where you'll receive your summit certificates, commemorating your successful climb via the unique Umbwe route 5 days experience. Bid farewell to your guides and porters, then drive back to your hotel/lodge in Moshi after completing the Umbwe route 5 days climb. Celebrate the completion of the challenging Umbwe route 5 days kilimanjaro Climbing and take a well-deserved rest.
  • Departure Transfer to the Kilimanjaro Airport.


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